
In Bashkortostan, the investment project of creating a new roadside complex was recognized as large-scale
The experience of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation interested the participants of the forum "SO.KNOWLEDGE"
The Development Corporation attracted 100% more investment projects to the republic over the year compared to last year

The Development Corporation attracted 100% more investment projects to the republic over the year compared to last year

From January to November of this year, the Bashkortostan Development Corporation attracted twice as many investment projects to the republic as last year. Thus, 24 initiatives were presented to the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov and members of the investment committee in 2022 under the supervision of the department, last year there were 12 of them. This became known during a press conference of the General Director of the Development Corporation Nail Gabbasov, during which he also answered questions about the results of the department's work for the year, attracting investments to the region, interaction with foreign investors in the current economic conditions and ideas for further development of the investment potential of the republic. Read more
In the SEZ "Alga" completed the electrification of residents of the first site
Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement: Restart
Investors were offered to create an import-substituting production of fasteners in the SEZ "Alga"
More funds will be returned to industrial parks for the created infrastructure