Investors were offered to create an import-substituting production of fasteners in the SEZ "Alga"


Managers of the regional Development Corporation have developed a new investment proposal involving the production of fasteners. One of its main goals is to open an enterprise capable of replacing imported analogues of similar products on the Russian market. According to the calculations presented in the case, the volume of investments in the implementation of the project will amount to 202.7 million rubles with the creation of 25 new jobs.

- We propose to localize the enterprise in the special economic zone "Alga". Here the investor will be able to produce various hardware products using special preferences guaranteed to SEZ residents. The proposed site is provided with all the necessary infrastructure: gas, water and electricity supply," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. All conditions are available for the successful implementation of the project in Bashkortostan: raw material base and highly qualified personnel trained by our educational institutions. Thus, the company will be able to quickly increase production volumes and supply fasteners to customers both inside the republic and abroad.

Together with the project concept, the investment proposal presents financial and economic indicators that display information about the estimated amount of net profit and profitability of the project. In addition, it is possible to get acquainted with the proposed measures of state support. Thus, the investor will be able to take advantage of the preferences valid for residents of the special economic zone "Alga", as well as offers from the Industrial Development Fund and a Regional Leasing Company.

You can get acquainted with all the business proposals developed by the Development Corporation in various fields of economics on the department's website in the section «Business cases» . The presented case is available for viewing by link.