
The mutual trade turnover between Bashkortostan and Uzbekistan increased by 63.5%
The number of sites placed on the investment map of Russia has reached more than 15 thousand
In Bashkortostan, the investor will receive state support for the production of phosphoric acid
The efficiency of the Development Corporation within the framework of the implementation of the Reginveststandard was rated with the highest points
Chinese companies are interested in importing fertilizers, pulp and agricultural products from Bashkortostan

Chinese companies are interested in importing fertilizers, pulp and agricultural products from Bashkortostan

Representatives of Chinese companies from the field of agriculture, wood processing and machine-building industries shared their interest in cooperation with Bashkortostan in terms of import supplies of agricultural products, fertilizers and pulp. This became known during a meeting with the delegation of the People's Republic of China, which arrived in the region under the leadership of the Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Shenyang, Liaoning Province of China, Ms. Zheng Bin. Read more
Bashkortostan took the third place in the National rating of the investment climate of the subjects of the Russian Federation
In 11 months, the Bashkortostan Development Corporation has helped 27 investors to receive state support in a simplified manner