Bashkortostan took the third place in the National rating of the investment climate of the subjects of the Russian Federation

The results were announced today at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. For the first time, when forming the National Rating, the work of the regions on the implementation of the Regional Investment Standard (RIS) was taken into account. Thus, according to the results of monitoring, Bashkortostan also became one of the leading regions among 82 subjects of Russia.

Back in 2022, Bashkortostan became one of the first regions to introduce all five elements of RICE. One of its elements is the activity of the development agency, whose functions in Bashkortostan are assigned to the Development Corporation. Thus, according to the assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of RIS, the activities of the Development Corporation were awarded the highest points.

High results were achieved thanks to a well-structured structure for supporting investment projects in the "one window" format, which made it possible to make the investor's path much more comfortable. This was facilitated by the formation of the Institute of project managers, and the introduction of such unique tools as virtual tours and the development of business cases. It should be noted that the latest tool, which has been actively used by the Corporation since 2021, was recommended for replication in all regions of the country and implementation into the Reginveststandard 3.0 system as one of the elements.

An equally important element of the RIS is also the investment map of the region. The Development Corporation is engaged in its regular updating and filling together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance of Bashkortostan. Interacting with municipalities, land owners, and resource-supplying organizations, our specialists update information about free business sites, add new layers to the map, and prepare video instructions on how to work with it.

The Development Corporation creates all conditions for a comfortable entry of an investor into the region. We are actively implementing new tools in order to shorten the investment path as much as possible and free the investor from solving many organizational issues.