
INVESTRB.RU has been supplemented with surveys to determine the level of satisfaction of entrepreneurs with the service sector
Sites for the opening of production were presented to the Belarusian investor in Bashkortostan
Leading enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region are interested in cooperation with Bashkortostan
Bashkortostan Development Corporation has submitted proposals for amendments to the Federal Law to the State Duma

Bashkortostan Development Corporation has submitted proposals for amendments to the Federal Law to the State Duma

Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, took part in a meeting of the Expert Council on the Development of Special Economic Zones under the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy. During the meeting, the participants reviewed the draft amendments to the Federal Law on "Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation". Read more
The authorities of Bashkortostan will support residents of the SEZ "Alga"
The Development Corporation presented a project to create a year-round eco-hotel
The resident of the Ufa Industrial Park will start mass-producing agricultural machinery