"Leaders of Ugra changes" got acquainted with the investment potential of Bashkortostan


The Republic of Bashkortostan was visited by participants of the training program "Leaders of Ugra Changes", organized by the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA). The main purpose of their visit was to study the investment potential of the republic, management practices and the development of industrial infrastructure. The topic of attracting investments, including in preferential zones, was discussed by the participants with the leadership of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation, which is the management company of the special economic zone "Alga". In addition, they managed to visually familiarize themselves with the achievements of the republic in this direction during an excursion to one of the sites of the SEZ "Alga" industrial park "Ufa".

The Special Economic Zone "Alga" is a vivid indicator of how competent management decisions affect the investment potential of the region. Let me remind you that the SEZ "Alga", created in 2020 on the initiative of the Head of Bashkortostan, was twice recognized as the most dynamically developing, and in 2023 became the winner in the nomination "Import Substitution" of the National rating of investment attractiveness of special economic zones. All this is the result of using various tools to attract investors, which we are happy to share with our colleagues from other regions," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As part of the tour of the industrial park, the delegates visited the resident enterprises: the Amkodor-Agidel agricultural equipment manufacturing plant, the Ultradesign woodworking plant, the paint and lubricants manufacturing enterprise ZIT, as well as the companyRB Motors is a manufacturer of ATVs and all-terrain vehicles.

In addition, representatives of the management company told the guests about the current preferences and immediate plans to expand the territory of the special economic zone by another 106 hectares. Recall that it is planned to increase the area of the SEZ at the expense of land plots located in the Ufa district. The Development Corporation is preparing the application and the corresponding package of documents.

For reference:

The project "Leaders of Ugra's Changes" started in 2021. Within the framework of the project, participants are trained in an additional professional retraining program "Executive Master of Public Policy" (in the field of strategic leadership and change management). The project participants visit various regions and study the best practices in the subjects studied, visit advanced organizations and production facilities in the studied area. Following the results of the training, participants defend and implement projects aimed at the socio-economic development of the region.