The project of the manufacturer of prefabricated houses is included in the List of priority investment projects of Bashkortostan


The authorities of Bashkortostan have included in the List of priorities an investment project to expand production for the production of prefabricated residential buildings and increase the capacity for bottling various types of tree sap under the NE VODA brand. It is initiated by the company "RegionTorgProm". Earlier, under the supervision of the Development Corporation, the initiative was presented to the Head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, and received approval for implementation. The investor intends to invest about 230 million rubles in the project, creating 35 new jobs.

The project received priority status less than a week after its consideration at the "Investment Hour". This indicates the beneficial effect of changes in investment legislation adopted last summer on behalf of the Head of the region on the implementation of projects in Bashkortostan," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The inclusion of the project in the Priority List will allow the investor to claim a number of tax benefits, as well as the provision of subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of creating an engineering infrastructure. The preparation of documentation for obtaining the declared state support measures is carried out by the Development Corporation. We are also actively assisted in this work by the administration of the municipality, with which we solve various organizational issues. We will accompany the investment project until the facility is put into operation.

The company will be located in the Belokatai district. The investor intends to complete the project in 2026. During this time, it is planned to erect production buildings at the site, where technological lines for bottling wood water and the production of wooden houses will be located.

The investor notes that the Development Corporation provides great support in supporting the project. He stressed the coordinated work of the department's specialists and the efficiency of solving emerging issues.