The Development Corporation shared its experience in attracting investors from the Tyumen and Nizhny Novgorod regions


During the visit to the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Development Corporation was visited by representatives of the development agencies of the Tyumen and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Colleagues became interested in the tools that the Corporation uses to attract investments to the region. Adel Makarova, Deputy Director for Investor Relations, told her colleagues about this.

Colleagues showed the greatest interest in business cases, ready-made investment proposals for investors with a well-thought-out concept, a selected platform, support measures and financial and economic indicators. Recall that this tool has been used since 2021, and this year the practice was recommended for replication in other regions of the country and inclusion in the Reginveststandard system as a new element.

The delegates also became interested in the mechanism of interaction between the department and resource-supplying organizations. In turn, Adel Makarova drew their attention to the fact that special agreements are the basis for this, thanks to which the Corporation solves various issues related to the technical connection of investors' facilities.