In the SEZ "Alga" it is planned to build the production of aerated concrete slabs for 1.8 billion rubles


The company "Combine of building materials. Ufa"will build a new factory for the production of aerated concrete slabs in the territory of the special economic zone "Alga". An agreement of intent on the implementation of the project was signed between the investor and the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the sidelines of the All-Russian Investment Sabantuy "Trans-Urals - 2024". Recall that the agency is the management company of the SEZ "Alga". The volume of investments in the project will amount to about 1.8 billion rubles. 120 new jobs will be created at the enterprise.

The investor plans to organize in the special economic zone a modern production of aerated concrete products with a capacity of 1400 cubic meters of products per day or up to 450 thousand cubic meters per year. Our specialists have selected a suitable site for him on the territory of the SEZ. Also, today we are developing a financial model and a project passport in order to obtain the status of a resident of the SEZ of the Volga Federal District," explained Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

It is noted that the company "Combine of building materials" is part of the group of companies "Partner". It also includes the enterprise "Paving stone factory" Porevit. Ufa", which in April 2024 received the status of a resident of the special economic zone "Alga".