The Head of Bashkortostan approved the construction of a complex for the production of ceramized granules


Within the framework of the VI All-Russian Investment Sabantuy Trans-Urals-2024, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov held a meeting of the Investment Hour.

Under the supervision of the Development Corporation, the investment committee was presented with a project for the construction of a ceramic pellet production enterprise, initiated by the company StroyMineral Plant. The project involves the construction of a complex for the production of up to 100 thousand tons of ceramized granules per year for the production of a protective layer of pitched and flat roofs of houses, commercial and social facilities. It is planned to invest about 3.3 billion rubles in the creation of the complex with the organization of 60 new jobs. It is planned to launch a new production facility by 2028.

As part of the project support, our specialists provided consulting and methodological assistance to the investor, as well as prepared the necessary documentation for presentation to the Head of the region and further inclusion of the project in the List of priority investment projects in the region with the possibility of obtaining state support measures. Maintenance will continue until the facility is put into operation. Radiy Khabirov approved the project for implementation and inclusion in the PIP with the provision of the requested support measures.