The Head of Bashkortostan approved the initiative to build new gas stations in Ufa


The head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, held another weekly meeting of "Investors", where several projects were presented under the supervision of the Development Corporation.

Thus, the initiatives of LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt to create new gas stations in Ufa were presented for consideration by the investment committee. Thus, the investor intends to develop a branded network of gas stations and expand the range of roadside services. The total volume of investments in the construction of multifunctional gas stations is about 960 million rubles, with the creation of 62 new jobs.

Accompanying the investor, the specialists of the Development Corporation analyzed in detail the land plots on which the construction of facilities is planned. Thus, as part of the work carried out, detailed information was generated on the relevance of the sites and their compliance with the planned use, the presence or absence of encumbrances. Issues of determining connection points to engineering ones were worked out with resource supply organizations. Also, the possibility of joining the highway has been worked out with relevant departments.

Following the discussion, Radiy Khabirov approved LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt's projects for implementation.