In Bashkortostan, the investor will expand the existing enterprise thanks to state support


In accordance with the order of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov, the regional authorities have concluded a land lease agreement with the production company Stolyar, the initiator of an investment project to expand the production of furniture and interior finishing materials. Earlier, the head of the republic signed an order to provide the investor with this measure of state support after reviewing the project at the weekly meeting of the "Investor". The company plans to expand the existing enterprise, increasing the capacity by 5 times from 400 square meters of finishing materials per year to 2 thousand. The volume of investments in the project will amount to about 150 million rubles.

In our region, more and more entrepreneurs are showing interest in including their projects in the Priority List. The PIP status makes it possible to obtain a land plot without bidding, " comments Natalia Polyanskaya, Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. After the project receives PIP status and an agreement on the protection and promotion of investments is concluded, the necessary documents are submitted to our department. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus No. 292, after preparing the project and receiving positive approvals from authorized agencies, we provide a land plot.

The project support of the company "Joiner" is conducted by the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. So, before forming the necessary documents to obtain a land plot for lease without bidding, the department's specialists previously conducted a detailed analysis of the site for compliance with the planned use, as well as the presence or absence of encumbrances. The Development Corporation has also prepared all the necessary documents for the successful presentation of the project to the Head of the region, inclusion in the List of priority investment projects of the republic, as well as obtaining the requested state support measures.

– Together with the investor, we go all the way, trying to simplify the solution of emerging issues as much as possible. We are also provided with significant assistance in this by the weekly "Investment Hours", where all issues are discussed directly between the investor and the leadership of the republic, "said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Now the investor is preparing to start design and survey work and obtain appropriate permits to start construction. And we, in turn, will accompany the project until the facility is put into operation, providing support at all stages of its implementation.

It is noted that in addition to the manufacture of furniture and interior finishing materials, the company is engaged in the design and production of small architectural forms for the improvement of public spaces and park areas.