A Chinese investor plans to build Russia's first plant for the production of thermoplastics near Ufa


In Bashkortostan, with the assistance of an investor from China, it is planned to create the country's first production of thermoplastics with a full cycle. The details of the joint project were discussed at a meeting of the delegation of Bashkortostan with the director of Shandong Tongjia Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., Mr. Yan Zhangchao.

Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, noted that Bashkortostan, as the leader of the rating of the effectiveness of industrial policy in the Russian Federation, is interested in forming a cluster in the field of mechanical engineering for the plastics industry. This will diversify the region's industry and strengthen its industrial potential. The delegation of Bashkortostan invited colleagues to consider the possibility of localizing the production of advanced plastic processing equipment in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

- We expect to create a joint high-tech production in Bashkortostan with a full cycle from design to production of finished products at the level of the best world standards. I would like to note that the first question of the implementation of any investment project is the location of production. In our region, it can become a special economic zone "Alga". Here we are ready to consider the possibility of allocating a land plot of up to 1.5 thousand square meters," Nail Gabbasov explained.

The head of the management company spoke about a wide range of preferences in the SEZ "Alga" - from reducing the income tax rate to 5 years and exemption from property tax for the period of construction of the facility to subsidizing part of the costs of creating the infrastructure of the project and providing a tax investment loan. Such support significantly reduces costs at the initial stage and accelerates the entry of the investment project into the operational stage.

- Today the negotiations were very successful, and we intend to build a plant in Bashkortostan. Our company is going to come to your republic in the near future to study local conditions, resources, including human resources, for the opening of production. In case of successful negotiations, we will start implementing our project in the second half of 2024," commented Mr. Yan Zhangchao.

The businessman noted that the advantage of the company lies in its leadership, scale and authority at the federal level in China. In Bashkortostan, a long-time partner of a Chinese investor, the local company YINSHU, will join the project implementation.

- There is not a single enterprise in the Russian Federation that produces plastic recycling equipment, namely injection molding machines. For the first time, we are creating an exclusive production in the country, we will make injection molding machines that are in great demand. We have the first major buyer in Bashkortostan, which is the largest plastic processor of the Alternative. We plan to reach 500 injection molding machines per year, in 7-8 months we plan to build the first industrial site in Shaksha," Director of INSHU LLC Diyaz Kalimullin revealed the details.

The details of the implementation of the project were offered to the investor to present at the "Investment Hour" with the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov. Let us remind you that these days the delegation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, on behalf of the head of the region, is on an official visit to China.