Four companies intend to place production facilities in the SEZ "Alga"


Residents of the special economic zone "Alga" may soon become four more companies specializing in work in the food and chemical industries, as well as the production of concrete and paving slabs. The investment portfolio of potential residents is estimated at 7.8 billion rubles with the possibility of creating 264 new jobs. This was announced by the director of the SEZ management company Artem Penzin at a meeting of the Committee on Industry, Innovative Development, Trade, Entrepreneurship and Tourism of the State Assembly of the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The meeting of the Committee was held within the framework of legislative support for the implementation of the Message of the Head of Bashkortostan for the spring session of 2023. Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Regional Development Corporation, which is the management company of the special economic zone, commented on the prospects for the implementation of new investment projects on the territory of the SEZ "Alga".

- Relations with potential residents are currently at various stages of the negotiation process. Also, in addition to working with investors applying to the Corporation, we are working on the issue of attracting investments by creating ready-made business proposals. All of them are posted on the Investment Portal. Today, negotiations are underway with investors interested in placing paper and paper products, sodium chlorate, personal hygiene products on the territory of the SEZ "Alga", Nail Gabbasov noted.

As part of the speech, the participants of the meeting were also informed about the ongoing work that is being carried out at the sites of the SEZ "Alga". So, on the territory of the first site, work is being carried out on the installation of water supply and sanitation pipes, including the installation of wells and the improvement of the technological site. The remaining sites are being prepared to carry out work to provide all the necessary engineering and transport infrastructure.

During the discussion, it was noted that the improvement of the investment climate in the region is impossible without the creation of modern industrial infrastructure and, in particular, the development of additional measures to attract potential investors to the special economic zone "Alga".