Investors were offered to create a water bottling company in Bashkortostan


Bashkortostan Development Corporation presented to potential investors a new business proposal, the concept of which is to create a high-tech water bottling plant. According to preliminary estimates, the volume of investments required for the implementation of the project is 326.6 million rubles. The payback period of this project will be about five years.

- The plant assumes a full production cycle - from water extraction to delivery to consumers. We propose to localize it in the Uchalinsky district. Thus, the manufacturer will be able to sell products both on the territory of the Trans-Urals, and throughout Bashkortostan and beyond," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The presented business proposal also contains financial and economic indicators that display detailed data on the effectiveness of the project. In this section, investors can get acquainted with information about profitability and other investment indicators. The case also shows the measures of state support that an investor can count on when implementing an investment proposal: inclusion in the List of priority investment projects in the region with the possibility of obtaining a land plot for rent without bidding, subsidies for reimbursement of part of the costs of creating, reconstructing, modernizing infrastructure facilities, investment tax deduction for income tax, exemption from income tax property. At the same time, he will also be able to claim benefits under the programs of the Industrial Development Fund, the Regional Leasing Company and the Guarantee Fund.

- For an investor interested in this investment proposal, the Corporation's specialists will calculate the financial model in accordance with the specified parameters and technological solutions, as well as provide gratuitous support until the enterprise is fully launched, Nail Gabbasov added.

You can get acquainted with the business offer on the website in the section «Бизнес-кейсы».