Investors were offered to create a production of biological active additives in the SEZ "Alga"


Bashkortostan Development Corporation presented a new business idea for potential investors. It involves the creation of a high-tech and import-substituting production of biological active additives in the territory of the special economic zone "Alga". According to the calculations presented in the investment proposal, the project budget will amount to 226.8 million rubles with the possibility of creating 38 new jobs.

- To date, the production of dietary supplements is actively developing. Previously, a significant part of the manufacturers were imported companies. Now that some of them have left the Russian market, domestic enterprises have the opportunity to occupy this niche and successfully implement the project using various state support measures. And by placing the company in the SEZ "Alga", the investor will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to reduce tax rates, accelerated depreciation, rental benefits, as well as the effect of a free customs zone," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

One of the main blocks of the investment proposal are financial indicators that display detailed information about the effectiveness of the project. According to preliminary calculations, the payback period of the project will be five years.

- In case of interest in the presented business case, the Development Corporation will calculate the financial model according to the parameters and technological solutions chosen by the investor, and will also provide gratuitous support until the enterprise is fully launched, Nail Gabbasov added.

You can get acquainted with the business offer on the website of the Development Corporation in the section «Бизнес-кейсы». Also, all business cases developed by the department's specialists for various sectors of the economy are posted on Investment portal of the Republic of Bashkortostan. An investment map of the region is also available to visitors here, thanks to which investors can choose a comfortable platform for localization of their business.