The Development Corporation and Sberbank plan to cooperate in the field of financing the creation of industrial facilities


On the sidelines of the V All-Russian Investment Sabantuy "Trans-Urals - 2023", Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, met with Albert Fakhrutdinov, Managing Director of the Public Sector Department of Sberbank PJSC and the Head of the OKM "Regional Public Sector" of the Bashkir Branch of Sberbank Ruslan Sharafutdinov. During the meeting, they discussed the possibility of cooperation in terms of financing the creation of industrial facilities for residents of preferential zones of the republic.

Sberbank is one of the main partners in the implementation of major investment projects in Bashkortostan, and their state support programs provide affordable financing to borrowers, helping to develop domestic industries. Together with our colleagues, we discussed new state programs and opportunities to support promising investment projects involving the construction of industrial infrastructure facilities. Such mechanisms include, for example, the issuance of preferential loans for the creation, development, modernization of production facilities and the introduction of new technologies to create priority domestic products under the "Cluster Investment Platform" program. Thus, with the beginning of cooperation between the Development Corporation and Sberbank, investors will be able to scale existing and launch new production much faster and more efficiently," Nail Gabbasov said.

Following the negotiations, the head of the Development Corporation proposed to form a pool of requests for financing the creation of industrial facilities from potential investors. In turn, Sberbank representatives will also prepare proposals based on the analysis of these requests and other parameters set by investors.