SUCCESS INDEX. Import substitution as a vector of industrial enterprise development


The company «Russilber» is the creation of innovative products of industrial chemistry. The company is successfully following the path of import substitution, creating something that has not been produced in Russia before. The concern has its own laboratories equipped with the latest world science, European production lines and talented specialists. About the formation of the company, work under sanctions and work plans in the Ufa Industrial Park, of which the company became a resident in 2022, in an interview with Development Director Ilshat Hafizov.

- Tell us about your company. In what direction are you working?

The company "Russilber" specializes in the production of products for the metallurgical and machine-building, oil and gas, construction industries. Among other things, the concern has developed and supplied unique high-performance lubricating and cooling fluids, for example, for hot metal stamping, which increase both the service life of the equipment and the productivity of production lines, while improving the quality of manufactured products. Another area of activity is the manufacture of a wide range of reagents for water treatment used in wastewater treatment and as part of water circulation systems of the largest industrial enterprises. Testing laboratories equipped with the latest equipment and staffed by experienced specialists are located at the production site.

- How did the history of the company "Russilber" begin? What were the first steps? What results have been achieved so far?

The company "Russilber" was founded in 2005. Already at that moment, the founders of the company caught the country's course towards industrialization and the need to strengthen local production. To date, the plant is equipped with the most modern equipment that allows to produce products of the highest quality. The company has an established delivery of finished products to the consumer with its own fleet in compliance with all necessary temperature conditions.

- How has the current economic situation affected your production? Has the company felt the consequences of the sanctions pressure?

The company looks confidently into the future and has the desire and capabilities to ensure continuous growth in the current economic situation. We continue to expand the geography of our presence, we are building lines for the production of new products. In order to maintain the consistently high quality of finished products, last year we had to do a lot of work to find alternative suppliers of raw materials, to rebuild logistics chains. At the moment, this work continues − we are working to improve the quality of finished products by carrying out a large amount of work in research activities, conducting experimental tests.

To date, some enterprises have experienced a shortage of qualified personnel. Have you encountered such a problem? If so, what methods are used by the company's management to solve it?

Our company employs experienced specialized specialists, experts in their fields, which allows us to achieve high results for our clients in the shortest possible time. Many employees successfully build their careers within the company, increasing their level of responsibility and the complexity of tasks with the growth of their knowledge and expertise.

- One of the main theses of the company is to follow the path of import substitution. How successful is the company going this way, especially after leaving the market of foreign manufacturers?

We produce innovative industrial chemistry products that surpass their foreign counterparts in technical and commercial terms. This is not the first year we have been going this way, so for us this is not some new trend, but actually a vector and a mission.

- How actively is the company working in the export direction? Have you managed to maintain relationships with foreign customers and master new sales markets?

At the moment, the company sees its development in the most dense and high-quality work in the domestic market. We have focused our efforts on improving the quality of the product and its stability, developing the production of new products needed by existing customers. The company is also taking steps in building relationships with customers from neighboring countries, contracts for the supply of products have been concluded. Thus, we are moving from building a reputation as a reliable partner in the domestic market to developing relations with foreign customers.

- Recently, the company "Russilber" became one of the residents of the industrial park "Ufa". What goals do you set for yourself in terms of working in a preferential zone?

The company intends to launch new product lines on a new site for itself. Preferences and conditions of the special economic zone will help to bring the company to high production, efficiency and profitability in the shortest possible time. The convenient location of the Ufa Industrial Park will help us to optimize our logistics.