Ufa will expand the production of robotic complexes for rehabilitation


As part of the regular meeting of the "Investor", the Head of Bashkortostan, Radiy Khabirov, was presented with a project for the production of rehabilitation complexes "Robotek Lab", initiated by the company "ViCyAn". The initiative is accompanied by the Development Corporation.

The investor intends to expand the existing production of rehabilitation products, including the development of robotic leg simulators. In total, it is planned to produce up to 150 units per year. The total amount of investments in the initiative will amount to 55.7 million rubles with the creation of 14 new jobs.

With the support of the Corporation, the investor picked up a plot of land on which premises with an area of 3 thousand square meters will be erected. Also, the specialists of the department have formed documentation for obtaining the necessary state support measures.

The Head of Bashkortostan stressed that in modern conditions the country needs the development of such import-substituting industries. In addition, he noted that the investor will be reimbursed part of the costs for the purchase of technological equipment under the new republican program.