Potential investors were offered to create a steel plant in Bashkortostan


Bashkortostan Development Corporation has presented a new investment proposal to investors. It involves the creation of a plant for the production of steel products as part of import substitution. According to the calculations presented in the business case, the volume of investments in the project will amount to about 1.8 billion rubles with the possibility of creating 170 new jobs.

- We offer investors to create a plant in a format that is radically different from the classic scheme of integrated plants. Such an enterprise does not depend on blast furnaces, and the path from the raw material to the final product takes several hours. A site in the city of Agidel is proposed for the implementation of the project in the case. Buildings with a total area of more than 15 thousand square meters are already located on its territory. In them, the investor will be able to organize the production process. Potential buyers of the manufactured products can be large machine and bridge-building enterprises, as well as companies specializing in the production of equipment for projects located in remote areas with underdeveloped ground transport infrastructure," explained Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Together with the elaborated concept, financial and economic indicators are also presented in the investment proposal. This section contains detailed information about the effectiveness of the project. So, according to preliminary calculations, its payback period will be about seven years. In addition, the case shows the proposed measures of state support: the inclusion of the project in the List of priority investment projects, exemption from corporate property tax, investment tax deduction for income tax, the provision of subsidies to compensate for the construction of transport and engineering infrastructure, as well as the possibility of obtaining a preferential loan under the programs of the Industrial Development Fund.

- An investor interested in the presented business proposal will receive gratuitous support from the Corporation's specialists at all stages of the project implementation. We will also carry out individual financial calculations in accordance with the stated parameters," Nail Gabbasov added.

You can get acquainted with the presented investment proposal on the website of the Development Corporation in the section «Бизнес-кейсы». Other offers for various sectors of the economy are also posted here.