In Bashkortostan, projects worth 11.6 billion rubles were included in the List of priorities


Two investment projects at once, accompanied by the Development Corporation together with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Innovation of Bashkortostan, were approved for inclusion in the List of priority investment projects of the region at the next meeting of "Investchas". Thus, the investment project of the company "Bashzoloto" was approved for inclusion in the List, which involves the development of an existing underground mine at the Vishnevskoye deposit, and the initiative of the Ufa Gypsum Company, which intends to expand the production capacity of gypsum and expanded clay. The total investment volume for them is about 11.6 billion rubles.

- The First company intends to allocate more than 11 billion rubles for the implementation of its project and create 195 new jobs. The development of the deposit will increase productivity to 600 thousand tons of ore per year," Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, said about one of the projects. As part of the support, our specialists conducted an examination of the business plan, as well as the preparation of documents for including the project in the Priority List with the possibility of obtaining state support measures.

The investment phase of this project is planned to be completed by 2030, and the operational phase, which includes the start of mining of the field, is planned to be completed from 2028 to 2040.

The second investment project, approved for inclusion in the Priority List, involves the construction in Ufa of a modern, energy-efficient technological line for the production of gypsum with a capacity of 80 thousand tons per year.

- The investor plans to invest about 123 million rubles in his initiative and create 25 new jobs at the enterprise. The expansion of production will significantly increase the volume of products produced and provide it to the consumer market of Bashkortostan and nearby regions. It is planned to complete the project by 2025," Nail Gabbasov added.

Recall that the inclusion of the project in the List of priority investment projects of Bashkortostan makes it possible to implement the initiative with the use of special tax benefits and a wide range of preferences from the state. Assigning the priority status to the project provides for property tax benefits, income tax benefits, a subsidy for reimbursement of part of the costs of creating, reconstructing, modernizing capital construction facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure, as well as the possibility of obtaining a land plot for rent without bidding.