The investment project of creating a year-round recreation center in Ufa is recognized as large-scale


Within the framework of the next meeting of the "Investor", the status of a large-scale investment project was assigned to the creation of a year-round wellness center Millennium Park Resort. This status will allow the initiator of the project, the company "Constellation of the first", to obtain a land plot without bidding.

- The investor will allocate about 110 million rubles to the implementation of the initiative, creating 25 new jobs. The concept of the project involves the creation of a unique recreation park with an ethno-village and a Russian hippo and apitherapy center near the city of Ufa for the presentation of hospitality and ethno-culture to residents and guests of the republic. Initially, it is planned to build several glampings, place gazebos for recreation on the territory, as well as exhibition and banquet halls. In the future, the investor intends to open stables, API/hippocentres and a swimming pool here," explained Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As the investor noted, cooperation with the Development Corporation made it possible to more quickly and systematically prepare the project for consideration by the Investment Committee and assign it the status of a large-scale one. Thus, it is planned to implement the first stage of the investment project this year, the rest in 2024.

Recall that in order to be recognized as a large-scale project, it should be included in the List of priority investment projects in the region and involve the creation of at least 25 jobs.

For reference: A Priority Investment Project (PIP) is a project with significant social and economic effects. The status of a priority investment project provides for property tax benefits, a subsidy for reimbursement of part of the costs of creating, reconstructing, modernizing capital construction facilities of engineering and transport infrastructure and a land plot for rent without bidding.