Manufacturing industry development strategies to be updated in Russia


The Russian government intends to update the strategy for the development of the manufacturing industry in the near future. This was announced by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the strategic session on industrial development.

According to him, "taking into account new challenges and tasks, it is now necessary to update the consolidated strategy for the development of the manufacturing industry." The Prime minister cited the data of preliminary forecasts, according to which "the growth of production volumes in this segment by the end of the year will be about 1%". Mishustin to the heads of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the country "to monitor the dynamics of this indicator".

The Prime Minister noted that the authorities expect that the industrial production index will grow next year.

Mishustin also suggested "defining the key tasks and priority areas for the development of manufacturing industries, paying special attention to medical and pharmaceutical areas." The Prime Minister considers it important to consider in general "the whole possible set of measures necessary to achieve the set goals in this area".