The investment project on disinfection of medical waste has been approved for inclusion in the List of priority

The investment project of creating a modular plant for centralized disinfection of medical waste, supported by the regional Development Corporation together with the Administration of the Iglinsky district, has been approved for inclusion in the List of priority investment projects of Bashkortostan. The decision to assign this status to the project was made within the framework of the next meeting of the "Investchas". The initiator of the project, the company "Sterium Service", intends to invest 198.42 million rubles in the implementation of the initiative, creating 28 new jobs. The enterprise is planned to be localized in the Iglinsky district.

- The peculiarity of the project is the use of a special technology for the disinfection of medical waste according to the recommendations of WHO and the United Nations Environment Programme, as well as the absence of emissions. Disinfection will be carried out by vacuum autoclaving of waste with saturated water vapor at a temperature of 134 degrees, followed by their grinding and pressing. I would like to note that such plants are already operating in St. Petersburg and the Moscow Region," explained Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As part of the support of the initiative, specialists of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation developed a financial model and a business plan for the project for the investor, as well as a package of documents for its inclusion in the List of priority investment projects in the region with the possibility of obtaining state support measures. In addition, earlier the Regional Ministry of Health initiated the adoption of a regional regulatory act establishing the possibility of conducting economic activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for the centralized disinfection of medical waste.

Recall that one of the options for supporting entrepreneurs is a Priority Investment Project (PIP) - an investment project with significant social and economic effects. The inclusion of the project in the List makes it possible to implement the initiative in conditions of a special tax regime and a wide range of preferences from the state.