The authorities of Bashkortostan updated the Regulations for the support of investment projects


The Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan has amended the Regulations for the support of investment projects in the region on the principle of "one window". Thus, the document regulating the activities of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation for the support of investment projects has been brought into line with the requirements of the Regional Investment Standard for development agencies. It is assumed that the changes made will optimize a number of processes, allowing to reduce the implementation time of investment projects in the republic.

- Working with investors requires the constant introduction of modern mechanisms and tools that allow projects to be implemented in the most comfortable conditions. So, the last changes to the Regulations were made back in 2018, and thanks to the updating of the document together with the Ministry of Economic Development, its content began to correspond to modern realities," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The updated version of the Regulations sets the terms and sequence of actions of the Development Corporation and executive authorities in terms of providing information, consulting and organizational assistance to investors.

Recall that the principle of "one window" involves the support of investment projects implemented on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan at all stages of their implementation, from site selection to commissioning of facilities.