SUCCESS INDEX. A new project of a large agrocomplex of Bashkortostan


The investment project "Development of SEC "Alga" as part of the agrocomplex "Avilat" for 2022-2025", is included in the list of priority investment projects of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The declared volume of investments will amount to almost 655 million rubles. During the implementation of the project, 41 additional workplaces will be created.

Today, the agrocomplex "Avilat" produces 13 thousand tons of vegetables, 25 thousand tons of grain crops and 110 thousand tons of industrial crops per year. The agricultural turnover of the enterprise includes a greenhouse complex with an area of 10 hectares, a drying and sorting complex with a silo-type storage, more than 15 thousand hectares of land. The farm, which has been operating in the Buzdyaksky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan for more than 25 years, has long won a leading position in the region in the production of crops and vegetables.

It is all the more surprising that all this farm with a workforce of about 250 people is headed by a woman - Shafoat Mamatkulovna Habibrakhmanova. However, this is not the first and not the only project. Under her leadership and management, there are five more areas of the family business: a large shopping center, retail sale of construction materials and tools, metalworking and metal rolling.

- Today we are solving the task of improving the productivity of our lands. That is why the project to create an irrigation system is so important. According to the plan, it will cover 647 hectares of area. And these are not only existing lands, but also new, so-called virgin lands, among them a swamp and unused pastures," says Shafoat Mamatkulovna. - Our goal is not only to increase the yield and make it sustainable, but also to use reclaimed areas for growing more valuable crops. In particular, sugar beet, which will provide raw materials to sugar factories of the republic. The irrigation system will include a pumping station, sprinkler installations, a transformer substation with a lighting and power supply system.

Agriculture today is a high-tech production, where advanced technologies, scientific developments and powerful modernized equipment easily get along with traditions and experience. All this is the most important condition for increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural complex.

And more importantly, these are people. One in the field is not a warrior, for the realization of any goal, a team is needed in which everyone should "burn" with a common goal. The head of the agrocomplex considers the goal of his team to provide the population of the republic with fresh, healthy and environmentally friendly products grown on their native land.

And yet, the beauty Shafoat considers the main and best project of her life to be a family in which five children have grown up, and everyone's favorite has already appeared - a granddaughter. Children from an early age participate in the development of the family business, being part of the management team. Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus Shafoat Khabibrakhmanova herself has long been an authority and expert for many farmers. Her work is highly appreciated: in 2021, she became the winner of the All-Russian Award "Woman of the Year in the Agro-industrial complex", receiving "gold" in the nomination "Leader in production and sales ".

In the "piggy bank" of awards - diplomas "The best beet-growing economy of Russia" from the Union of Sugar Producers of Russia, "Gold of domestic technologies" - for the active promotion of domestic technologies and the introduction of mirror lamps, gratitude for high production performance based on the results of work in the field from the Administration of the Buzdyaksky district, and within the framework of the competition "Golden Support" - diploma "The best consumer of energy resources in the region". In 2021, Shafoat Mamatkulovna also won in the nomination "Agriculture" project "Fellow countrymen".

The high quality of the products of the agro-industrial company "Avilat" confirms the title of "Best product" in the competition "Product of Bashkortostan - 2021", it is also in the leaders of the list "Best goods of Bashkortostan" and "100 best goods of Russia"..

Source of the material: Rossiyskaya gazeta