Investment projects supported by the Development Corporation of the Republic of Belarus were considered at Investchas


On February 16, the Head of Bashkortostan Radiy Khabirov held a regular meeting of the "Investchas", during which the members of the Investment Committee reviewed a number of projects supported by the Development Corporation together with the Ufa City Administration.

The first initiative is a project of the Technoprom company, which involves the creation of a modern machine-tool plant in the Demsky district of Ufa for the production of dosing and honing machines with software control, as well as a line for gluing sandwich panels. At the first stage, it is planned to invest 332.7 million rubles in the project, creating 35 jobs.

The Head of the Republic stressed the importance of the participation of young specialists in the development of the industry and noted that the republic is ready to provide all necessary support during the implementation of the project.

The second initiative presented by the Corporation was a socially oriented investment project for the organization of the production of rehabilitation products from the company "Orbit". Ufa enterprise has been manufacturing various medical equipment since 1992, has its own design bureau. Annually, about 1,200 medical devices are produced at the plant, including means of rehabilitation, mechanotherapy, spine treatment. According to the results of the project, the annual production of the devices is planned to increase to 2,400 units. The volume of investments in the first stage will amount to 200 million rubles.

The presented initiatives were approved by the Investment Committee. For each project, the Development Corporation, together with investors, is preparing documents for their inclusion in the List of priority investment projects in the region with the receipt of state support measures.