Bashkortostan has upgraded the platform for the presentation of free investment sites


Bashkortostan Development Corporation has modernized the platform for the presentation of free investment sites of the republic. So, for investors considering the possibility of localization of business in Bashkortostan, a website with virtual tours has been improved, where they are divided into categories.

- First of all, the modernization of the site is aimed at creating even more comfortable conditions for investors when choosing a production location. In particular, the interface has changed, and additional options have been added that allow you to get detailed information about sites, state support measures, business proposals," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. - We actively use the practice of virtual tours in working with potential investors and replicate it in the regions of Russia. To date, tours of 236 venues are available for viewing.

Recall that the practice of virtual tours involves the demonstration of free sites for future projects in online mode. The investor receives an interactive 360-degree image with information about the boundaries, characteristics of the site, availability of infrastructure and engineering networks, distance from socially and economically significant objects.

This tool on the portal "ASI Smarteka" is marked as the best regional practice for working with entrepreneurs. All tours are available for viewing on the website of the Development Corporation in the section «Virtual tours of the venues of the republic» .