The delegation of the Republic of Adygea visited the Ufa Industrial Park

On February 12, the delegation of the Republic of Adygea, as part of a working visit to Bashkortostan, visited the Ufa Industrial Park, where they got acquainted with the projects of the park's residents.

Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Belarus, told the guests about the activities of the current residents of the industrial park and about the advantages of placing production facilities on its territory.

The company "AMKODOR-Agidel" is building a plant for the production of agricultural equipment on the territory of the park. To date, the installation of the main production building is being completed. The plant is scheduled to open in the summer of 2023 as part of the X Forum of the Regions of Russia and Belarus, which will be held in Ufa. 320 jobs will be created at the new production facility.

According to the Head of the Republic of Adygea Murat Kumpilov, Adygea also needs such grain drying complexes, and the company's products may be of interest to Adygean farmers.

Also, the delegation got acquainted with the production complex of the industrial park with an area of 20 thousand square meters, which opened in December 2021. The first resident to place production in the complex is the company "ArtAgro", which produces grain cleaning equipment. Director of the company Artur Abdyushev thanked the leadership of the republic for supporting the project.

Radiy Khabirov noted that effective business support tools are in place in Bashkortostan, including the provision of land plots for the creation of new production facilities.

Samples of the products of the Belarusian machine-building holding "AMKODOR" and the chemical company "Rossilber" were also presented at the site of the production complex.

Photo: Press Service of the Head of the Republic of Belarus.