The Development Corporation presented to investors five business proposals for the creation of sports and recreation complexes through the conclusion of concession agreements


The list of investment proposals developed by the Bashkortostan Development Corporation has been supplemented with five new cases. All of them involve the reconstruction of existing or the construction of new sports and recreation complexes in the districts of the city of Ufa through the conclusion of concession agreements. The budget of the projects proposed for implementation varies from 100 to 853 million rubles.

Today there is an increasing trend among the population in playing sports and leading a healthy lifestyle. Accordingly, the need for such facilities is growing and investments in this area can quickly pay off. In addition, investors will be able to receive a number of important state support measures, including the inclusion of projects in the list of priority investment projects of Bashkortostan with the provision of an investment tax deduction for income tax and exemption from corporate property tax for three tax periods," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Among the formed business cases are such proposals as:

  • Construction of a sports and recreation complex in the Kirovsky district. Here the investor can place two one-storey buildings with a total area of 900 square meters with a climbing wall, badminton court and gyms. The volume of investments in this offer is 100.16 million rubles. - Creation of a FOCA in the Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa on the basis of an existing building with an area of 1,355 square meters. The estimated volume of investments in the project will amount to 102.40 million rubles. In this case, investors are invited to reconstruct the building and equip halls for boxing, taekwondo and other types of martial arts.
  • Construction of a sports and recreation complex in the Nizhny Novgorod neighborhood of the Leninsky district. The area of the planned facility will be 3000 square meters. According to the concept of the proposal, a lawn tennis court, a hall for group classes at a choreographic machine, a gym with a division into a cardio zone, a strength training and crossfit zone, as well as administrative offices will be located in FOKA. According to the calculations presented in the case, the volume of investments in the project will amount to 208.26 million rubles.
  • Construction of an indoor athletics arena in the Inors microdistrict of the Kalininsky district of Ufa. Here the investor is offered to erect a one-storey building with an area of 5760 square meters, having invested 401.06 million rubles in the project. In addition to treadmills, the FOKA can accommodate sectors for jumping, throwing a shot and a gym.
  • Construction of a sports and recreation complex in the Leninsky district. Under the placement of the FOCA, investors were offered two sites along the Embankment Street. On the first site, the investor will be able to place an object with a total area of 12,000 square meters. It is assumed that the complex will be equipped with a climbing wall, as well as halls for tennis, football, volleyball and wrestling. It is also proposed to place a gym here. The project budget will amount to 853.1 million rubles. On the second site, the investor can build an object with an area of 3000 square meters. According to the concept, there will be a climbing wall, a gym, as well as a badminton section. In this case, the volume of investments is 140.7 million rubles.

Under the terms of the proposed concession agreements, real estate objects or land plots belonging to the Ufa City Administration will be transferred to investors for use for the purpose of reconstruction or construction of sports and recreation complexes on their territory for their further operation in order to make a profit. Up to 30% of the training time will be provided to the concedent free of charge. The agreement can be concluded for up to 49 years.

Together with the developed concepts, all the presented business cases also contain key financial and economic indicators that display information about the effectiveness of projects over the billing period. You can get acquainted with the investment proposals proposed for implementation on the website of the Development Corporation in the section «Business cases».