The Development Corporation has presented 14 new free investment sites for industry


Bashkortostan Development Corporation presented to potential investors the next free investment sites. Fourteen land plots with a total area of about 72 hectares are located in the city of Agidel and are intended for industrial activities.

- Agidel is a territory with significant potential. Here, investors have the opportunity to place production facilities with a large number of logistical and infrastructural advantages, having received full-fledged consulting and methodological support from both the Development Corporation and the management of the municipality," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The presented sites have an area of 0.6 to 19 hectares, are connected to electricity, have the ability to connect to water and gas supply networks, and are also provided with a drainage system. In addition, industrial buildings are located on the land plots.

You can get acquainted with all the investment platforms presented in an online format by viewing virtual tours on the website of the Development Corporation /. Thanks to this, investors can find out detailed information about each land plot, engineering infrastructure, real estate objects located on their territory, and other technical characteristics without leaving the area.

Recall that the practice of virtual tours was introduced by the Development Corporation for the most comfortable acquaintance of investors with the free sites of the republic. On the website of ASI Smarteka, this tool is recognized as the best regional practice for working with entrepreneurs. To date, several regions of Russia have become interested in implementing the practice.