The Development Corporation offered investors to place tourist facilities near the Nugush reservoir


The list of free investment sites of Bashkortostan has been replenished with new territories. Three land plots with a total area of about five hectares are located in the Meleuzovsky district near the Nugush reservoir and are suitable for the placement of tourist facilities on their territory.

- The Nugush reservoir is one of the main tourist locations of Bashkortostan. Thousands of tourists come here every year and the creation of a comfortable infrastructure is in the first place," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. To date, the trend of domestic tourism is actively developing, so investors who place tourist facilities on the presented sites will have the opportunity to recoup their investments in the shortest possible time. There is a possibility of connecting power supply networks and well construction. The Development Corporation, in turn, will provide comprehensive support in cooperation with representatives of the municipality and authorities, as well as the preparation of necessary documentation.

For a comfortable acquaintance of investors with the free investment sites of the republic, specialists of the Development Corporation are developing virtual tours. So, you can choose a land plot suitable for the requirements of the project without going to the area, having familiarized yourself with its engineering and technical characteristics in an online format. A virtual tour of the presented sites is available at link.