At the site of the International Business Week-2022, the Development Corporation signed agreements for five billion rubles


The XV anniversary Forum "International Business Week" was held in Ufa, which brought together representatives of the business community and authorities from more than 20 countries. In addition to participating in industry sections, the Forum participants signed a number of cooperation agreements.

Agreements of intent were also signed by the Regional Development Corporation.

-We are talking about new investors, "Spect" companies, as well as the Turkish company Kisan. The total volume of investments in accordance with the concluded agreements amounted to about five billion rubles. As a site for the placement of production, "Spect" considers the special economic zone "Alga". And with colleagues from Turkey, we are currently analyzing the most suitable land plots for the implementation of their investment project," said Rustam Muratov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

According to the written document, the company "Spect" intends to produce fiber and pectin substances in the SEZ "Alga". The declared volume of investments to date will amount to about 4.5 billion rubles.

The plans of the Turkish company Kisan include the implementation of an investment project for the production of glass powder from cullet. About 250 million rubles will be invested in the implementation of this initiative.

-Earlier, representatives of the company visited the Development Corporation, where we introduced them to the advantages of localization of production in the republic. After a detailed study of the investment potential of all regions, the investor decided to open an enterprise in Bashkortostan," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation.