At the International Business Week, the tools for attracting foreign investors were identified


Within the framework of the business Week, the participants of the Workshop section "Practices of attracting foreign investment" shared the practice of the regions. The section was organized by the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the National Association of Investment and Development Agencies (NAAIR). The moderator was the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Executive Director of the NAAIR Rafael Husyainshin.

Among the key speakers: Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Marat Tansykkuzhin, Representative of Bashkortostan in the Republic of Turkey, Director of Amkodor Ufa LLC, Director General of Amkodor Agidel LLC, Fedor Domotenko, Head of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan Taliya Minullina. Also speakers were: Anna Chernova, Director General of the Volgograd Region Development Corporation, Alexander Dementiev, Director of the Novgorod Region Development Agency, Elena Pozharnova, Acting Director of the Samara Region Investment Attraction Agency, Pavel Tatarenko, Director General of the Tula Region Regional Development and Support Corporation, Nikolay Purtov, Director of the Tyumen Region Investment Agency, Deputy Director of the Leningrad Region Economic Development Agency - Anna is Sweet.

There was an open dialogue with colleagues who came from the regions. Today's session was dedicated to attracting foreign investment. We all understand that great difficulties are arising now, including economic and political pressure on our country. But, more than ever, we need to engage in proactive search and attraction of investments in such realities. Previously, we worked on the incoming stream, but there is no need to wait for investors now, and the tools that we shared with each other today are becoming important," said Rafael Husyainshin.

As a result of the meeting, a list of the most successful tools was formed to help establish contacts with foreign investors and, as a result, launch their projects in the regions.

Among the tools proposed by us, the document following the results of the last section will include such as contact with the top officials of the region and their direct participation in working with investors, identification of investment niches, search for foreign companies with high energy costs in their countries, flexible and fast support system, the work of representatives of the region in foreign countries. We told the participants in detail how we work in these areas in Bashkortostan and colleagues found this experience interesting, Nail Gabbasov said.

For reference:

From December 14 to December 16, Ufa hosts the International Business Week. The annual economic event will bring together more than 3,000 people: government representatives, business communities and experts from various fields. More than 50 business events will be held on the sidelines of the anniversary Forum, at which more than 500 speakers of the federal and international level will speak. The strategic partners of the Forum are JSC "Bashkir Soda Company", LLC "Bashkirenergo", JSC "Besk". 24 countries take part in the forum in person and online: Iran, Belarus, Armenia, India, China, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Italy, Turkey, Great Britain, Latvia, Mongolia, Bahrain, Nicaragua, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Mali, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cuba, Czech Republic, Germany and France.

The non-profit organization "National Association of Investment and Development Agencies" was established in 2006 with the aim of combining the efforts of regional development institutions (investment agencies and development corporations) aimed at creating conditions conducive to increasing investment attractiveness and investment inflow to the subjects of the Russian Federation.