Residents of the Ufa Industrial Park intend to increase work in the field of import substitution


Residents of the Ufa Industrial Park shared their plans in the direction of work on import substitution. We are talking about furniture manufacturing enterprises and manufacturers of agricultural equipment. This became known during a press tour to the industrial park. Representatives of the furniture company "Boyard", the company "Good Cardboard" and the trading house "ArtAgro" shared with the results of the work for the year and the immediate plans.

- The Development Corporation is systematically working to improve the working conditions of residents in Ufa. In particular, this is evidenced by the positive results of surveys that we systematically conduct among them," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. - One of our long-time residents is the company "Boyard". This year, the company opened a new workshop with automated production of painted facades, and also launched a waste-free production system on Russian equipment.

The company "Boyard", at the moment, in addition to furniture, produces accessories, analogues of which were previously supplied from abroad. And cabinet furniture "Boyard" after the departure of a major European manufacturer has become more in demand among consumers. As the representatives of the company explained, for the convenience of customers, an exhibition hall will soon be opened at the enterprise, where buyers will be able to get acquainted with the finished products and their quality.

The management of the company "Good Cardboard", which became a resident of the park this year, also shared plans on the timing of the launch of production and its further development. Recall that in Ufa the company will place a highly automated corrugated packaging plant with a capacity of 70 million square meters. It is planned that the enterprise will reach its production capacity by 2025.

The tour of the industrial park also included a visit to the industrial complex with an area of 20 thousand square meters, which opened in December last year. The first resident of the complex was the company "ArtAgro" - a manufacturer of grain cleaning equipment that has no analogues in Russia. Over the year, the company has increased the pace of production by purchasing modern equipment. The only production of gravity tables for seeds in Russia is located here. To date, they are shipped to Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Sverdlovsk region, as well as CIS countries. The company is actively working on production within the framework of import substitution by adapting the technical characteristics of the equipment to the individual characteristics of the region and various customer requirements.

The remaining territories of the twentysomethings were also in demand among investors, and the number of residents of the entire industrial park increased from 10 to 15 enterprises over the year.