A new resident of the SEZ "Alga" has been registered


The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has included LLC "FARUS-SINTEZ" in the register of residents of the special economic zone "Alga". The company's business plan for the organization of the production of synthetic higher fatty alcohols with a production capacity of 48 thousand tons per year was previously reviewed and approved by the Expert Council of the SEZ "Alga". Between the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, JSC "Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan" and LLC "FARUS-SYNTHESIS" signed an agreement dated November 9, 2022 on the conduct of industrial and production activities in the territory of the special economic zone. To date, this investment project is the largest in the SEZ "Alga". The cost of its implementation is estimated at 14.7 billion rubles, it is planned to create 400 new high-paying jobs. Currently, there is no industrial production of synthetic higher fatty alcohols in Russia. Considering this circumstance, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia has included the project of LLC "FARUS-SYNTHESIS" in the List of priority projects for the production of low-tonnage and medium-tonnage chemical products, which have a significant impact on the development of related sectors of the economy. Thus, to date, 13 residents have been officially registered in the SEZ "Alga". The total amount of declared investments is more than 40 billion rubles, the number of new jobs planned to be created will exceed 2,100 units.

-The new resident is proof that the SEZ "Alga" continues to demonstrate positive dynamics of development in today's difficult conditions. The company "FARUS-SINTEZ" sets ambitious goals to pass the stage of development and approval of design and estimate documentation as soon as possible and to enter the stage of construction and installation works in 2023. The Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan will provide maximum support to the investor at all stages of the project," said Ilshat Tazhitdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chairman of the Expert Council of the SEZ "Alga".