SUCCESS INDEX. How plastic accessories for boats from Bashkiria conquered the whole of Russia

For more than ten years, individual entrepreneur Ilgiz Nafikov has been one of the leading manufacturers of accessories and components for boats and other swimming products. Its products are known far beyond not only our region, but also Russia. Despite his busy schedule, he found time to show us the production workshop, which is located in the Ufa Industrial Park, and also to talk about the formation and prospects of business development.

Ilgiz Salimovich, tell us about your business. In what direction does your company work?

− The main activity of our company is the processing of plastics and the manufacture of accessories for boats and other inflatable swimming products. Geography of supplies – all of Russia: from St. Petersburg to Khabarovsk. The history of our small company began in 2009. Building the company from scratch, my father and I rented premises and equipment until we were old enough to buy a plot of land and design a room that is required for us. That's when we started cooperation with the Development Corporation. Becoming was quite interesting. We were treated with a great deal of skepticism. But thanks to the quality of the products, the company entered the market, becoming a worthy competitor. We bent our line and acquired regular customers who are still with us to this day. In addition, we have chosen a difficult direction. In Ufa, we are the only ones engaged in the manufacture of such products. And there are few such companies in Russia.

 The niche you have chosen is indeed little explored. What influenced the choice of direction? What were your first steps in business?

− My father is a constructor. At one time, he worked at a factory for the manufacture of plastic products for various needs. Then it was the most technologically advanced enterprise that operated on modern imported equipment. That's where I got an internship. Machines, equipment, automation, continuous cycle - all this became very interesting to me. Then I only had an idea of what the business direction should be. The reference point in this matter was my father and his knowledge of all the production subtleties and the process of the appearance of the finished product. Of course, it helped a lot that I saw myself in production. This knowledge had to be systematized and implemented. Then it became clear the specific direction that needs to be emphasized.

Did you have to face any difficulties on the way to becoming a business? What do you think has changed in terms of doing business since when you first started?

− I cannot say that we have encountered any difficulties. We were confident in the success of our business and understood that a niche free of competitors would give us many advantages. It was important for us that the increase in volumes and the acquisition of new customers did not affect the high quality of products in any way. Consistency and quality are two important points inherent in our work. Today, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to advertise on a variety of sites. This is the advantage of doing business today. By the way, we have never used and now do not use advertising platforms, because they learned about us from positive reviews. Having earned the trust of customers in terms of quality, nomenclature and delivery time, we no longer needed additional advertising. If we talk about doing business, I note that now there are more requirements for entrepreneurs. When we started, being an entrepreneur was much easier.

You said that you don't need advertising because people will find out about you without it. What led the company to such results?

− First of all, we try to give our client the quality for which he pays. The consistency of quality is the main task that I set for myself and the employees of the company. In addition, due to the fact that there are several manufacturers of such products throughout Russia, each manufacturer regularly works with its regular customers and consumers of the nearest regions. We regularly improve the production technology, technical characteristics and appearance of products. Customer feedback is also important to us. Therefore, before implementing any idea for the manufacture of a particular product, we carefully study the needs of customers and the technical and physical properties that the product should possess. We undertake only what will be interesting to us and useful to our consumer. Thanks to mutually beneficial cooperation with other areas, production opportunities are also expanding, since plastic products are needed everywhere. It's part of our life.

 What, in your opinion, is the key to success in business?

− I will note several aspects. First, education. I graduated from Ufa State Aviation Technical University and it was during my student years, watching the work of specialized equipment, that I realized that I would connect my life with the production direction. When business was just an idea, it became clear that this direction was very promising. Education gave an understanding of all the subtleties of industrial activity. This basic knowledge helped in the implementation of the business and obtaining new skills. Personally, I devote all my time to work, studying the mechanisms of production and the development of the enterprise. Secondly, the frames. We don't have a huge staff. Thanks to automation, mechanization and debugging of the production chain, we do not need a large number of employees. It is important that the frames are universal and can perform several functions. In case of problems with the equipment, we rarely invite third-party specialists, because our masters are competent in many matters. Universalism allows employees to receive a decent salary. Our concept is simple: a new task – a new responsibility – an increase in wages. We, in turn, try to provide good working conditions, calmly resolve emerging issues and find a compromise. I think that's why we don't have a "turnover".

Your company is rapidly developing and gaining momentum. What are your goals and objectives for the near future? Are there plans to expand production?

− We calculate our plans based on the capacity of the machine park and the areas involved. It is planned to build a warehouse in order to unload the workshop and store some of the materials in it. If the production progresses, then the land resources allow us to place another workshop on the territory. It all depends on the market. I can say with full confidence that plastic recycling will remain our main focus. Everyone should do their own thing and do what they do best and do it efficiently. Of course, if there is a topic related to plastic recycling, we do not exclude the possibility of expanding production. To date, we are faced with the task of maximizing the implementation of all technological processes in the production room where they are currently located. We are flexible, multifaceted and ready for mutually beneficial cooperation. In the Ufa Industrial Park, we actively interact with residents. I hope that in the future, as it is filled, we will have more partners.