In Bashkortostan, the investment project for the production and shipment of liquefied gas for 1.4 billion rubles is recognized as large-scale


Accompanied by the Development Corporation together with the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Innovation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the investment project of the company "GSPGT" is recognized as large-scale. The decision to assign this status to the project was made during the next meeting of the "Investors". It will allow the investor to take advantage of individual support measures, in particular the possibility of obtaining a land plot without bidding. Earlier, the initiative was included in the List of priority investment projects by the Regional Ministry of Economic Development and Investment Policy.

- In the republic, the investor intends to place a complex for the production and shipment of liquefied natural gas, having invested about 1.4 billion rubles in the implementation of the project. 25 new jobs will be created at the enterprise," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. As part of the support of the investment project, our specialists have developed a financial model and a business plan, as well as prepared all the necessary documentation for its inclusion in the List of priorities with the receipt of state support measures. In the future, we will continue to provide free support to the investor until the start of production.

It should be noted that in order to be recognized as a large-scale project, it must meet a number of requirements: be included in the List of priority investment projects in the region and assume the creation of at least 25 jobs. In addition, the initiator of the project must confirm the possibility of financing in the amount of at least 50% of its cost.