The Ufa Industrial Park is recognized as one of the Russian sites for industrial tourism


The Ufa Industrial Park has become a participant in the accelerator for industrial tourism "Open Industry", organized by ASI and RANEPA with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

- Now excursions will be organized to the enterprises of our residents, where those who wish will be able to get acquainted with their activities and products. Perhaps it will help schoolchildren to decide on a profession, and business to find new business partners. The inclusion of the Ufa Industrial Park in the list of sites for industrial tourism is a good opportunity to increase the investment attractiveness of the republic and develop resident enterprises by promoting their products," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In the near future, training of accelerator participants will take place, in parallel, a regulatory framework for industrial tourism will be created.

- Our task will be to create projects and solutions aimed at raising public awareness about modern technologies in industry, about the quality of products produced at the enterprises of the park residents, as well as to popularize workers and technical professions, Nail Gabbasov said.

The list of participants of the accelerator "Open Industry" includes 159 enterprises from 20 Russian regions. The applications were considered by an expert council chaired by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Alexey Besprozvannykh. The projected number of visits to industrial enterprises in Russia in 2022 will be 800 thousand.

For reference:

The Ufa Industrial Park is the largest industrial park in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is located at the entrance to the Shaksha microdistrict of Ufa. The area of the park is almost 300 hectares, and its sites are intended for enterprises of different industry orientation: woodworking, furniture production, agricultural equipment, etc. To date, 15 residents and 7 infrastructure users have been registered in the Ufa Industrial Park.

Industrial tourism is a tool for the development and promotion of regional brands. The project provides communication between the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation and various target groups of consumers: buyers, business partners, investors, potential employees and the media. The project is implemented by an autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives".