Another roadside complex will appear in Bashkortostan

The investment project of the company "Fortuna", accompanied by the Development Corporation together with the Ministry of Trade and Services, involving the construction of a new roadside complex, is included in the List of priority investment projects of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The corresponding order was signed at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the region. It is planned to invest about 60 million rubles in the implementation of the initiative, creating 20 new jobs.

- The goal of the project is to create favorable conditions for improving the quality, reliability and safety of passenger and cargo transportation. In addition, its implementation will have a positive impact on tax generation," said Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. - The complex will include a car wash, a catering point and parking with the possibility of vehicle maintenance. The investor intends to place the object in the Iglinsky district.

Recall that in order to improve the quality of service to road users, the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan has developed a Concept for the development of roadside service for 2020 - 2024. According to it, in four years it is planned to create about 1,000 new roadside complexes in the region and the same number should be modernized.