We are strengthening cooperation with the Ulyanovsk region


Today, a working meeting with a delegation of the Ulyanovsk region was held at the Republic's Management Center. The delegation was headed by Alexey Tsarev, First Deputy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Industry, and it included representatives of relevant departments in the field of investment, tourism, industry and agriculture. The visit to the republic took place within the framework of the training program on the implementation of the Regional Investment Standard from the RANEPA and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

During the meeting, the guests got acquainted with the investment potential of Bashkortostan, discussed the issues of preferential zones, as well as the procedure for recognizing investment projects as priorities. In addition, the participants were interested in the institute of business sheriffs and the process of interaction with the authorities in terms of attracting investment to the region.

First Deputy General Director Gulnara Miftakhova told about the activities of the Development Corporation. In her speech, she noted the successfully implemented projects supported by the Corporation, introduced the guests to the Institute of project managers and innovations that were introduced by the department to attract investors.

Tomorrow, the delegation members will go on a tour of the Ufa Industrial Park and the production of the anchor resident of the preferential zone of the Kronoshpan Company.