SEZ "Alga" has become an example for the implementation of ESG principles for other regions of Russia and CIS countries


As part of the business program of the International Congress "Transport and Construction", a master class was held on the implementation of an infrastructure platform model aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goals on the example of the SEZ "Alga". The moderator of the section was Andrey Shpilenko, Director of the Association of Clusters, Technoparks and SEZs of Russia. Representatives of relevant departments and SEZ management companies from Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Belarus took part in the meeting in an online format. The director of the SEZ management company "Alga" Artem Penzin told the participants about the implementation of the model in Bashkortostan.

Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, also commented on the work carried out in the field of implementing ESG principles.

- It is a great honor for us to become one of the first regions to introduce a model of sustainable development of industrial infrastructure in the work of the SEZ "Alga" and the industrial park "Ufa". From the very beginning of the implementation of the ESG principles, our colleagues from AKIT and the Institute of Knowledge Economics conducted an audit, the results of which have already been published on the information resources of our infrastructure sites. We will continue systematic work in this direction so that the Sustainable Development Goals are fully achieved," Nail Gabbasov said.

As noted by the head of the AKIT of the Russian Federation Andrey Shpilenko, the special economic zone "Alga" and the industrial park "Ufa" are the first territories with preferential regimes, whose non-financial reporting is publicly available. These data will contribute to increasing the investment attractiveness of the region, since the audit results can significantly affect the investor's choice of a site for the project.

The experts spoke in great detail about the indicators affected by the management company of the special economic zone, showed the methodology for calculating them, and also presented the procedure for implementing a sustainable development model on the territory of infrastructure sites.

At the end of the master class, SEZ "Technopolis Moscow" and SEZ "Alga" signed a memorandum of cooperation with two free economic zones (SEZ) of Armenia "Meghri" and "Alliance".