Students of the forestry college will be trained at the enterprise of the resident of the Ufa Industrial Park


In preparation for the launch of production, the resident of the industrial park "Ufa" - Smart Office company signed an agreement with the Ufa Forestry College. According to the document, students of the educational institution will undergo an internship directly at the enterprise, where they will be able to learn the basics of furniture production and consolidate their knowledge in practice. As a result of the internship, the best students will be officially employed in the production, which will soon open in the industrial park.

- Qualified personnel is one of the main components of a successful enterprise. Now, when the company of our resident is moving to a new stage of development, the creation of new jobs and the training of highly qualified specialists plays an important role. So, during the internship, each intern will be able to work on different equipment and decide which of the production areas he likes more," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As the representatives of the company noted, in addition to the internship, all interns will participate in the competition, according to the results of which the best of the best will go to the furniture exhibition in Moscow. In addition, the company will provide the technical school with a piece of equipment for organizing the workspace and practicing skills directly at the educational institution.

- Interaction of enterprises and organizations of secondary vocational education is one of the important directions of the Strategy for the development of the system of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the period up to 2026 and is the basis of personnel training. It implies coordination of actions of all parties, and, consequently, understanding of each other's positions to develop a common vision of the situation," said Aybulat Khazhin, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Effective partnerships undoubtedly contribute to the training of specialists under the employer's order.

Recall that the Smart Office company became a resident of the Ufa Industrial Park in May of this year. In the preferential zone, the investor will place the production of office furniture. The volume of investments in the implementation of the initiative will be about 200 million rubles. The company will create 25 new jobs.