Bashkortostan has offered options for the development of Agidel and the reduction of the investment cycle of the project


Options for the development of the city of Agidel and models for reducing the investment cycle of the project, among other topics, were presented by the participants of the strategic session "Bold solutions. Economic development of Bashkortostan", held in the Nurimanovsky district of the republic. Representatives of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan took part in it, having worked in two of the seven sections: The City of Agidel. Creation of a free economic territory » and «Reduction of the investment cycle of the project». Rustam Muratov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Bashkortostan, Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Belarus, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.

The main goal of our event is not just to draw an image of the desired future and propose concrete steps to achieve it. It will depend on how effectively and fruitfully we work, what pace of development the republic will gain in 5 years," said Rustam Muratov. The implementation of all the novels that will be developed during the stratsession depends on the perseverance and zeal of its performers. And this can be called a historical feature of the Bashkir people.

The working groups discussed trends, opportunities, risks and threats that can positively or negatively affect economic processes. Following the results of the day of the strategic session, a general decision was formulated in each direction.

As a result of the discussion on the development of the city of Agidel, a project for the creation of a multimodal logistics hub was proposed. The second project involves the opening of a rehabilitation center for combatants," explained Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The section "Shortening the investment cycle of the project" presented several solutions for consideration at once: "Behavioral consumption", "Creation of a direct guarantee fund", "Decision support system for controlling targeted government spending", "Proactive model".; transparent investor», «Green offset», «Implementation of a super-service for the end-to-end passage of the investment cycle ».

According to the participants of the discussion, the presented projects will increase the confidence of investors, including foreign ones. Thus, they will help attract foreign investment, will contribute to the growth of investment in general, Nail Gabbasov said. In addition, the presented projects provide for reducing the risks of high budget expenditures without achieving targets, transparency of budget processes and a multiple increase in investments in ESG projects.

The participants of the meeting were about 100 delegates: representatives of the relevant ministries of Bashkortostan, the Regional Development Corporation, the Center for Strategic Developments of the Republic of Belarus, the Regional Center for Competencies in the Field of Labor Productivity and other departments of the Republic. Also, experts from the Foundation "Center for Strategic Research" arrived from Moscow specifically to participate in the stratsession, the delegation was headed by the President of the Foundation Vladislav Onishchenko. At the presentation of the results of the strategic session, it was noted that all the presented results of the discussions will be taken into the work of the authorities of Bashkortostan.