A project for the production of asphalt concrete complexes, accompanied by the Development Corporation of the Republic of Belarus, was presented at Investchas


On September 8, the Head of Bashkortostan held a regular meeting of "Investors". During it, experts reviewed a number of projects supported by the Development Corporation.

The first initiative is a project of the company Drobtehmash, which involves the production of up to 20 asphalt concrete complexes per year. The new production facility will provide the Russian market with modern equipment for road construction. The volume of investments in the project will amount to 1.25 billion rubles with the creation of 135 new jobs.

Together with the specialists of the Development Corporation, the investor studies promising sites. In addition, with the support of project managers, the project was prepared for consideration by the Investment Committee. The Republic will also assist in the selection of production areas and attraction of a preferential loan from the Industrial Development Fund of Russia.