In Bashkortostan, investors were offered to invest in an agro-tourism project with an alpaca park


Bashkortostan Development Corporation has developed a new investment proposal in order to find a co-investor in the implementation of the agro-tourism project "Zilim Recreation Area". The volume of investments in the project, which will be implemented in three stages, will amount to 75.8 million rubles with the creation of 26 new jobs.

- Together with the initiator of the project, we have thought through the concept and identified areas of activity that can attract the tourist flow. Therefore, we offer the co-investor a ready-made solution with detailed calculations," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. - According to the idea, it is planned to create an event space, playgrounds, cafes, baths, as well as small view houses and a site for a tent camp in the park. But the main "feature" of the recreation area "Zilim" will be the alpaca park. Initially, two animals will be kept here, and over time their number will increase.

The business proposal presents an investment platform, where it is proposed to place a recreation area. It is located in the Gafuri district, and its area is about three hectares. For the most comfortable implementation of the project, the case also contains proposed measures of state support: assigning the status of a priority investment project in order to obtain tax benefits and preferences, as well as providing subsidies to compensate for part of the costs of creating, reconstructing and modernizing infrastructure facilities, connecting them to engineering and transport networks.

You can get acquainted with the investment offer in the section "Business cases.