The land reclamation project of the Sibaysky quarry is included in the List of priority projects of Bashkortostan


The project of GEO GENESIS LLC, accompanied by the Development Corporation together with the Ministry of Ecology of Bashkortostan, is included in the List of priority projects of the republic. The corresponding order was signed at the Regional Ministry of Economic Development and Investment Policy. The investor intends to cultivate the lands in Sibai that are subject to man-made pollution during the activities of the ore mining and processing enterprise. The planned volume of investments under the project is over 1.6 billion rubles, about 87 new jobs will be created.

– This project is very important for the ecology of the Trans-Urals. The expected result from the complex of measures: recultivation of the Sibai quarry, reduction of the area of disturbed lands occupied by the tailings dump, reduction of dusting, prevention of the risks of resumption of a man-made fire in the Sibai quarry, as well as the development of the best available technology for complex extraction of useful components from mining waste, construction of a production of complex waste processing into concentrates and obtaining a product for recultivation of quarries, – Nail Gabbasov, Director General of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan, said.

During the investor's support, the managers of the Bashkortostan Development Corporation assisted in the preparation of the project for consideration at the meeting of the Investor, a financial model and a business plan of the project were developed, assistance was provided in the preparation of a package of documents required for inclusion in the List of priority projects of the Republic of Bashkortostan, information and consulting support was also provided.