Bashkortostan Development Corporation has presented another free investment site for children's recreation


The Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan continues to present promising investment platforms for business development. This time, investors interested in the development of tourism were presented with a platform that is suitable for the organization of children's recreation, the type of permitted use is the placement of medical and recreational facilities. It is located two kilometers from the village of Yantyshevo, Khaibullinsky district, near the sanatorium "Sakmar", on the picturesque bank of the Sakmara River.

- It is allowed to erect capital buildings on the proposed site and the placement of a tourist facility will be able to provide the investor with a year-round tourist flow from both Bashkortostan and neighboring regions. Transport accessibility allows you to easily reach your destination, and the location of the site among mountains and forests will create all conditions for tourists to have a good rest," said Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. For investors who have paid attention to this site, the specialists of the Development Corporation will provide comprehensive support in the preparation of the documentation necessary to obtain a land plot without bidding and obtaining tax benefits. The investor will also be assisted in interacting with the authorities and developing the project concept.

Recall that last year, the Development Corporation introduced tools for introducing investors to free sites online - shooting in 360 format and creating virtual tours. Thanks to the innovation, the investor can inspect the land plot and learn about all the technical characteristics by visiting the section "Virtual tours of the sites of the Republic of Bashkortostan" on the website of the Development Corporation. The presented platform is also available for viewing by link.