SUCCESS INDEX. How to establish a successful innovative business in Russia


The company "Proptimax" is a manufacturer of interactive equipment for education and business. Interactive whiteboards made at their production can be seen, perhaps, in all schools in Russia. The manufactured products are supplied to 15 countries of the world. The company operates on the territory of the Tuymazinsky district, operates under the import substitution program and is the only manufacturer of interactive whiteboards in the country with a CT-1 certificate, as well as being in the Register of Manufacturers of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and in the Register of the Radio-electronic Industry. The company "Proptimax" was founded in 2011, for 11 years of active work, considerable experience has been accumulated in the production and installation of simple interactive devices to interactive classrooms and situational classrooms.

Gulnaz Sharipova, director of the company, told about the formation of the business and its prospects.

- Gulnaz Rafitovna, how did the idea of creating your business come about? Why did you decide to occupy this particular niche?

- I chose this path myself. While studying in graduate school, I set myself the goal of introducing innovative technologies in the field of education in Russia in order to make the learning process more exciting and informative, since with the advent of gadgets, children's thinking changed from "traditional" to "clip". In 2011, I decided to open my own business in the field of innovative educational technologies, so the company "Proptimax" was born.

- There are only a few companies like yours on the Russian market. At the same time, there are foreign manufacturers of interactive equipment. How do you differ from your competitors?

-We managed to adapt the content to our mentality. A simple intuitive interface was used for both the student and the teacher. Our software does not require additional professional retraining of teachers, unlike other analogues. The teacher can turn on the equipment and immediately start working, even in the most remote corners of Russia in offline mode. And the company's 24/7 technical support provides consultations in working with hardware and software. Also, unlike foreign companies, we produce boards of any size, which allows them to be mounted in any non-standard study room. Therefore, our interactive whiteboards are now in almost every school.

- "Proptimax" has been working for more than eleven years, tell us about the significant successes of the company in recent years.

- In the rapidly growing information technology market, the company sees its mission in the introduction of affordable high-quality interactive equipment in various fields. Our assortment includes more than 150 types of products. In a year «Proptimax» sells more than ten thousand products. We do not stand still and are constantly looking for new ideas. In 2020, we launched a new product "Proptimax Interactive Whiteboard" for 46 touches, which has no analogues in the world. In 2021, we entered the international market, having established supplies to European countries. In 2022, our equipment will be adapted to Linux operating systems, including Astra Linux. Now the development of interactive displays with domestic processors and motherboards is in full swing.

- Gulnaz Rafitovna, you are a fragile woman, a mother of two sons – how do you manage to keep such a difficult business in your hands and remain feminine?

- I manage to combine parenting and business, because work is a part of my life, and it all fits in with my family values. My parents are also entrepreneurs, since childhood I have seen how they masterfully managed to be good parents and successful businessmen. I grew up in a business environment, for which I am very grateful to them. During the formation of me as a businesswoman, I thought about the future of my children. Where our civilization is moving, what modern professions will be, what personal and professional qualities of people will be important. Therefore, in addition to my basic education, I graduated as a psychologist, since psychology and education are tightly intertwined. My eldest son is in school. And every day I see how difficult it is for teachers to transfer knowledge and motivate children to learn. Since the world is changing very quickly, modern education does not keep up with current trends in world practice. A different approach to teaching with the help of modern teaching tools is required. This always inspires me and gives me strength to do something useful for my country, the world and society.

- What is the main secret of running a successful business?

- Over 11 years of managing the company, I realized that one of the key success factors is employees and teamwork. At school, I was an excellent student, a gold medalist, there was a different quality required – all by myself, I was a lone player. In business, everything is arranged differently. Teamwork is important here. Everyone should do their own thing and be a professional, and constantly improve their skills.

- What plans have you outlined for the company in the coming years?

- Last year the company entered the international level - the European and Asian markets, we plan to continue to enter new markets, glorify our country, so that the world will know that there are worthy innovative enterprises in Russia competing with international brands.