Resident of the Ufa Industrial Park plans to expand production


The resident of the industrial park "Ufa" - the company "Boyard" plans to put into operation new production workshops. This was reported by the Bashkortostan Development Corporation, which is the management company of the preferential zone. The main activity of the company is the manufacture of kitchen furniture and components and now the company intends to expand the range of products.

- One of the reasons for this decision was the increase in production volumes and demand for the products of the company "Boyard". So, one of the premises will be fully equipped for automated production of painted facades. In addition, for the convenience of customers, an exhibition hall will be opened on the site, where buyers will be able to get acquainted with the finished products and their quality," explained Nail Gabbasov, General Director of the Development Corporation of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In turn, the Development Corporation, as the management company of the industrial park, will provide the resident with comprehensive support so that the opening of new production facilities takes place as soon as possible.

The company "Boyard" has been a resident of the industrial park "Ufa" since 2015. To date, it is one of the largest manufacturers of furniture and accessories, whose products are supplied not only in the republic, but also abroad. The company has a stable workload thanks to professional specialists, modern equipment and compliance with production technology.

For reference:

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